Without a green card, 4 lakh Indians risk dying in the USA.

It is well knowledge that Green Cards in the USA allow foreign nationals to live there permanently. It is a highly regarded method that the Indian community, in particular, wants very much.
In relation to the subject, a Cato Institute analysis claims that over 11 lakh Indians are on the waiting list for green cards.
Given the lengthy waiting list and the US government's "quota" for these cards, statistics indicate that nearly 4 lakh of these people may pass away without green cards.
18 lakh people have applied for green cards via the USA Employment department; astonishingly, 63% of them are Indians.
For all of the applicants to get a green card in the United States, it would take an astounding 134 years, which is inconceivably long. It's possible for new candidates to have to wait their whole lives, and even then there is no assurance that they would be granted a green card.
Another startling number is the 83 lakh green card applications associated with the family system.
The wait times will only increase due to the massive number of students who have been waiting in line to study in the USA over the last several years.