YCP Govt’s Launched Special App To Compete With State Election Commission

We are aware of the news that panchayat election date is coming close and the panchayat election process has begun in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The first phase of polling is going to take place on the 7th of this month.
In these circumstances, the State Election Commission has developed a special app for the complaints of election. It is heard that election-related complaints can be made through this app. As per the latest update, the YCP government has launched a special app for complaints on the backdrop of the panchayat elections. The party has released an app, which was named as E-Netra.
The app, E-Netra gives anyone the opportunity to complain about the elections from anywhere. The E – Netraapp also makes it easy to upload images and videos of the complaint issue.
The YCP’s introduction of a special app, E-Netra for election complaints has become a hot topic of discussion in political circles.