Nani reacts about failed inter students

Bigg Boss2 Telugu Nani has shocked by the suicide of students following their disappointment in the Intermediate outcomes requested that the fizzled students be warriors and 'not surrender' by any stretch of the imagination.
Somewhere around 19 students have ended it all apparently because of disappointment in their tests crosswise over Telangana in the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) results.
Responding to the ongoing spate of suicides by the students over the state, Nani wrote: "Education means learning. It's not a number on the marks sheet. Fight back when u don’t get what u deserve. U cannot give up! Life is so much more than all this. Think about ur parents and all the loved ones. They don’t love u for what ur intermediate results are. They just love U!."
Nani appreciates a decent fanbase among the adolescent with his ordinary kid nearby picture. Be that as it may, his remarks have evoked a blended response from the Twitteratis. While a couple of fans respected his reaction, others pummelled Nani for not scrutinizing the legislature or Intermediate Board for the setback.
Education means learning. It's not a number on the marks sheet.
Fight back when u don’t get what u deserve.U cannot give up!
Life is so much more than all this.Think about ur parents and all the loved ones.They don’t love u for what ur intermediate results are..they just love U!